Monday, December 19, 2011


You should see the weird looks I get when I tell my hCG protocol patients not to weigh themselves. And the responses I get are very predictable:  
·         “But I read on the Internet I’m supposed to weigh every day!”
·         “How am I going to know if I should do an 'apple-day' when weight-loss stalls?”
·         “If I don’t weight myself how am I supposed to know if the protocol is working?”
·         “The only reason I’m doing this is to lose weight, so what am I going to use as motivation?”
The amount of fear and anxiety people have after I suggest they not weigh is not surprising. In general, people only pay and enlist in diets because they hate how they look and are disgusted by their body fat.  Most people have physical ailments because of their obesity, such as sleep disturbance, symptoms of adrenal fatigue (tired, lack of motivation, etc.), heart burn, hair-loss, skin problems,  high blood pressure, decreased libido, hot flashes, high cholesterol, poor body-image, embarrassment in social settings, and many more issues associated with having too much fat and resulting fat hormones.
They’ll tell you these symptoms are profound reasons to lose weight, and they’ve convinced themselves these reasons are why they are enlisting in the hCG protocol. However, their main focus and source of motivation is centrally focused on watching the scale go down.  After the first week, they notice significant relief from most, if not all, of the symptoms listed above. Patients profess how amazing they feel. But if the scale doesn’t budge one day−they're discouraged, and if weight on the scale stalls more than a few days− they're irritable and frantic.  They quickly forget about how good they feel, and the incredible relief they get from their physical ailments. If weight doesn’t go down (no matter how physically theraputic the protocol is) they really don’t want to continue to restrict themselves from eating.
Once reward and motivation from the scale loses momentum, so does their desire to continue restraint, and in order to feel compensated for following the protocol, they rationalize a reward: cheating. What does this reaction to the scale tell you about their intentions? Do all of the hormonal ramifications that cause disease and early death, really have anything to do with why they are doing the hCG protocol? If so, why does the scale have such a large influence on motivation to continue the protocol or not?
You could notice the obvious improvements in energy, how much better you feel, how sleep has markedly improved, and how heart-burn and hot-flashes have disappeared, but if the scale doesn’t go down like you thought, the effort isn’t worth it. Worth what? If you’re not experiencing physical hunger, what are you giving up? Most likely, you are feeling emotionally deprived. This emotional deprivation is why people say it takes “self-discipline” to follow the protocol restraints, and why weight is used as bait or emotional reward.
Emotional delights, entertainment, fun, ego protection, and all reason we eat that have nothing to do with hunger, are what causes feelings of deprivation when dieting. People feel punished, even when there isn’t hunger, and there’s relief from hormonal ailments and symptoms that plagued their body. We’ve been confused to believe that weight is the problem, and not our emotional desires to eat.
Americans have been so misguided by the diet industry to believe that weight is a plague, and is the only reason you need to pay them to eat less. Yes, you pay a multi-billion dollar industry to eat less, to obsess over your weight, and to feel guilty about food. And you do this over and over again, even though this approach has never worked.
When did you start obsessing over weight? I bet it started with your first diet. They taught you weight defined success or failure and since then you’ve probably defined your value based on weight. Do you constantly feel guilty when you eat, and do you tend to binge eat whenever you don’t eat perfectly? The diet industry has caused major emotional problems by selling weight as the problem, and judging food emotionally.   
Because of how judgmental and extreme the diet industry is, most people feel vulnerability and guilt when they eat. When you emotionalize what you eat, you lose your ability to make rational decisions. For example, most people have enough intelligence to understand a bite of pie is very different than a piece of pie, which is very different than eating the whole pie. However, when you’ve been taught pie is bad, one bite is just as bad as a piece, and is no different than eating the whole pie. If you’re going to have a bite you might as well eat the whole thing! Sound familiar? If this is how you think, you’ve fallen victim to the diet industry, and as a result you may have an emotional eating disorder.
I suggest you stop weighing yourself so you can actually fix the cause of the problem. Monitor the profound physical relief you get when you stop eating emotionally, and how emotionally vulnerable you feel without eating. Change the definition of diet, so that success is measured in a decline in the desire and need to eat emotionally. Think about it this way: if you didn’t like eating excessively or emotionally, would you have a weight problem? Would you have to “battle your weight”? 
If you didn’t like eating for fun, for entertainment, and for emotional reasons you wouldn’t feel deprived by eating less and you wouldn’t need to weigh yourself as reward.  The goal is to eat less, because you want to, and with this−you’ll never obsess over your weight again.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

THE HCG PROTOCOL AS A THERAPY FOR POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME (and other leptin induced hormonal imbalances)

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is on the rise and it affects millions of women in the United States alone. The more fat a person has the more leptin is produced when stimulated. This magnified leptin response affects the sex hormones LH (leutinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). While this over-production of leptin in adulthood affects LH and FSH resulting in reproductive and sexual problems, in adolescence this hormonal reaction can change the way the individual looks, their hair, and resulting body-image issues.

PCOS is characterized by high testosterone levels and insulin resistance. Typical symptoms are:
·         infertility,
·         male pattern balding,
·         high blood pressure,
·         pelvic pain,
·         irregular menses,
·         acne,
·         and the development of Type 2 diabetes at a very young age,

Excessive consumption of sugar combined with obesity is probably the driving force behind PCOS. To explain, the over production of leptin (which is strongly stimulated by blood glucose) increases the levels of neuropeptide Y (NPY). NPY in the body increases in production of LH and FSH, although the effect on LH is significantly more pronounced.

As leptin levels increase in the hypothalamus there is a stimulus of the hormone galanin like peptide (GLP). GLP acts to increase the production of LH releasing hormone (LHRH) which further increases LH production from the ovaries. The combination of high LH and high blood glucose levels (insulin resistance) increases the production of a hormone called Inhibin B. Inhibin B in the brain further decrease FSH, creating a polarization between LH and FSH levels. The more LH levels rise and FSH levels decrease, the more testosterone increases over estrogen.

Having excess fat that magnifies the production of leptin, combined with excessive sugar intake, is strongly correlated to the occurrence of PCOS.  With the rise in childhood obesity and the incredible amount of sugar in the American diet, there is no doubt the occurrence of PCOS will exponentially increase. The solution? Reducing body fat and decreasing sugar intake. This is where the hCG protocol could be used as a hormonal therapy.

Because low dose hCG strongly stimulates leptin, if administered properly the patients hormonal need for food dramatically reduces. You could say because PCOS is linked to high levels of leptin that with hCG their chances of exacerbating the issue could increase, which is true. However, if the very low calorie protocol is strictly followed these risks go away. Especially if the participant only eats when there is hunger.

Hunger is the conscious signal from the brain indicating that leptin levels are decreased, which is a sign there is a need for an external stimulus (such as food) to improve leptin levels. Eating would then stimulate the production of leptin which would ultimately cause a problem if too much food is eaten. This is why pre-calculated portions of food would be contraindicative during this type of therapy. When hunger goes away, the patient needs to stop eating, and at the end of the day it may have only taken 350 calories in food to keep their leptin levels optimal. If they continue to eat even though hunger is removed, the participant would be causing a hormonal imbalance that may aggravate their hormonal symptoms.

We must keep in mind that humans eat without hunger all the time because we have the ability to ignore physical mechanisms for emotional desire. This is what makes the application of feeding behavior of mice very inappropriate for the feeding behavior of humans. Mice do not eat when their hypothalamic leptin levels are elevated and hunger is removed. Humans eat all the time with high leptin levels and without hunger. We are an emotional species that validates and justifies eating at any time and for whatever reason, even though it conflicts with the feedback from the body.  For the hCG protocol to work as a hormonal therapy, the hormone leptin must be controlled. To do this the patient must fully understand hunger and use it as there only guide for when and how much to eat (similar to how a mice would eat).

This concept requires that we stop using the outdated science of calories. That we stop using nutritional guidelines to dictate how much a person should eat. Obviously by limiting food intake to what the body needs hormonally, there is a risk of malnourishment. This is why vitamin and mineral, and electrolyte supplementation is so important during the process, and why protein is the most important food choice when hunger manifests. As fat is markedly reduced and food is only eating with hunger, the hormonal imbalances that cause symptoms such as PCOS, will go away. However, to prevent the reoccurrence of these symptoms the patient must learn from their past behavior and continue to only eat when hunger manifests and to stop eating as soon as hunger goes away.

This is a change in behavior that must be done without using the superficiality of weight as motivation. The diet industry has taken advantage of the most obvious result of the very low calorie protocol, which is weight-loss, and used it to make a quick buck as the superficial diet. It’s not longer called a protocol but a diet.

When you consider the hormonal cause of diseases in America, most of which are linked to too much leptin, using the protocol as a diet and with the same diet mentality is selling it very short. Weight is a shallow measure in comparison to the incredible hormonal therapy the protocol could provide− only if it was approached with intelligence.  The weight-driven and money hungry diet industry has made the hCG protocol another fad diet, which is sad because weight is just the beginning and only a superficial indication of how incredible the hCG protocol is.

Any self-proclaimed “expert” who continues to market and value the protocol based on weight-loss is part of the diet industry. You will never get respect from the medical community until you understand the depth of knowledge it takes to fully comprehend how the hCG protocol influences the endcrine system. There must be a standard of intelligence that applies the protocol from a hormonal point of view and this is where the medical hCG protocol industry needs to regain control.   I suggest you as "experts" understand the protocol from a hormonal perspective, and no longer tout this protocol as a diet.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I’d like to start by letting you know I did not write the book I am about to suggest, I have no financial investment in this book, and if you choose to use this book in your clinic, I do not profit from its sales. However, because I own an hCG protocol clinic, I believe the more people who read this book, the more credible the hCG protocol will be, which would benefit all medical hCG clinics. With that said, I would strongly encourage every medical professional and hCG protocol patient to read Weight-Loss Apocalypse.
 I was first introduced to the hCG protocol at a medical symposium 5 years ago. After listening to a short seminar about the protocol (which didn’t provide any information that I couldn’t find myself in Dr. Simeons’ manuscript), I decided to do the hCG protocol myself. After having an incredible experience, I’ve been prescribing for others, ever since.
I’ve read just about every hCG protocol book available. All of them explain the hCG protocol in the same manner: repeating Dr. Simeons’ theories of three types of fat, “unlocking” the hypothalamus, etc. As a doctor, I’ve always known this explanation was insufficient, but no other explanation exists. Because of my own success and the success of my patients, I continued to prescribe− convinced Dr. Simeons’ theories must be correct. Until now.
When Robin Woodall asked me to read and review her manuscript of Weight-Loss Apocalypse, I really didn’t want to be bothered to read another hCG protocol book. I figured there couldn’t be anything in the book that I didn’t already know.  But because of the sub-title (Emotional Eating Rehab Through the HCG Protocol) I was intrigued to read what Robin was presenting. The biggest difficulty with patients is emotional eating, and even though the protocol gives an undeniable weight loss opportunity, people cheat all the time. If this manuscript was giving suggestions for how to deal with this, it would be worth my time to read and review. I accepted the manuscript and committed to reading it and giving Robin my honest review.
 I was not prepared for and could not have imagined, what I was about to read. As Robin explained the science of hunger, starvation, energy homeostasis, and the relationship between low dose hCG and leptin, my excitement grew. The manuscript not only gave a credible scientific hypothesis that explained why hCG prevents starvation, but it also provided great insight that would hold accountable the conflict patients have with emotional eating.  I was floored by the intelligence, integrity, and passion Robin put into her book. I’ve read the medical references used to create the hypothesis and I’ve also read her manuscript another 5 times. My conclusion: Weight-Loss Apocalypse will revolutionize the entire weight loss industry as a whole, it legitimizes the hCG protocol as a hormonal therapy that reduces diseases associated to obesity, and presents a meaningful approach that holds accountable the cause of the problem: eating without hunger.  
Now that the book is published, each patient that goes through our program gets a copy of Weight-Loss Apocalypse and we’ve added the Mind:Body Method to our program. Cheating occurs less often, patients don’t complain about weight anymore, and the new approach has been described as a “life-altering” experience.  We continue to receive emails and messages from patients, thanking us for giving them Robin’s book, expressing how much it has helped them and has permanently changed the way they eat.  Needless to say, reading Robin’s manuscript was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Here is my review:
I've been prescribing hCG for weight loss for over four years, and nothing I've read comes close to having this level of expertise. Without questions, this is the most informative and enlightening book about Dr. Simeons' hCG protocol available."  
−Dr. Ed Hagen, OBGyn and HCG Protocol Medical Expert

Saturday, December 10, 2011


The diet industry has continued to neglect the value of hunger. Unfortunately, this has continued dysfunctional eating by focusing on rules and boundaries that have very little to do with feedback from the body. A perfect example is using caloric expenditure to determine how much a person should eat.

Science describes that our body is fueled by stored substrates (fat, muscle, glycogen, blood/cellular glucose), which is regulated hormonally. Using calories to quantify daily food intake, assumes the food you eat is immediately digested into these molecular forms, which are converted into human fuel and used the same day you eat it. If you eat strait sugar, this is accurate. But if you eat anything complex, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Using calories to determine how much you should eat also neglects to include that your body already has stored fuel that has completed the digestive process and is ready to be used. Food is complex and must be digested and distributed among the four fueling substrates before it can be used. So there are hormones that eating stimulates that regulate the release of fuel from already stored substrates, while food is digesting. This is a cycle that ensures the body is fueled adequately, even though the food you are eating is no where close to being in a molecular substrate.

What regulates the hormones that control this fuel release? The answer is complex and requires a finite balance between other hormones, expenditure rate, oxygen, and hormonal stimulants, such as food. All food stimulates your fat to release hormones and how much hormones you get is relative to how many fat cells you have, the size of your fat cells, and the potency of the food you ate. An easy way for you to understand if you have enough of these hormones is through hunger.

If you’re not hungry, you don’t need to stimulate more of these hormones. Leptin is the hormone your fat creates that also removes the physical irritation and urgency to eat. So if you’re not hungry, your blood leptin levels are elevated, and you do not need to eat, otherwise you’ll release more leptin, which not only has over-fueling ramifications, but can cause a host of hormonal imbalances elsewhere in the endocrine system.

When made aware of the hormonal regulation of hunger and the link to fueling mechanisms, it makes sense why people who have more fat experience less hunger. They have more fat cells that create more leptin, which releases more fuel from fat, so they need weaker stimulus− less often, and they also have less need to “restock” fuel from food. The more fat you have, the less food you need! (Refer to why skinny b*tches eat more and don’t get fat.)

Here is a prime example of how messed up the diet industry is. When you wake up in the morning, are you legitimately hungry for breakfast? Probably not. The more fat you have, the less likely you are to experience hunger after you wake in the morning.

How many of you have been demanded to eat breakfast, even though you have very little hunger? I was taught at the university level that breakfast starts your metabolism.  It was described by the “thermic effect of food” which would start the calorie-burning process. That was in the year 2000.

At that point science wasn’t readily available to explain that by eating breakfast all of your fat cells would be stimulated to create the hormone leptin, which would as a reaction, release fuel into your body. If you’re not hungry and your leptin levels are already elevated (which indicates that your body is already adequately fueled by your fat) do you need to stimulate more? No! Chances are those calories you burned through the thermic effect of food didn't come close to the over fueling  from fat that causes a host of problems.

If you’re not hungry you already have enough leptin, you’re already receiving fuel from your fat and by eating anyways, you’ll be causing an over production of leptin and an over-fueling situation. In short, wait until you are hungry to eat breakfast.


Friday, December 9, 2011


 "I have never had an opportunity of conducting the laboratory investigations which are so necessary for a theoretical understanding of clinical observations, and I can only hope that those more fortunately placed will in time be able to fill this gap.”
Dr. ATW Simeons, Pounds & Inches -privately published in 1967

Laboratory investigation requires first, that there be a hypothesis that is testable in a scientific laboratory to observe the finite mechanisms that explain molecular physiology. In the recently published book, Weight-Loss Apocalypse, Robin Woodall has composed a new hypothesis that describes why Dr. Simeons observed his clinical observations. This hypothesis will open the doors immediately for laboratory investigation.

If you, in any way, would like the hCG protocol to have credibility as a hormonal therapy, I suggest you read the book, understand the new hypothesis, and change the way you market your hCG business as well as how you explain why the hCG protocol works. Using measurements of weight to prove (or disprove) the protocol is not only naïve, but is insufficient data that directs the public towards old and outdated research that discredited Simeons' observations, with and without hCG.

The FDA continues to devalue the protocol based on this outdated research which compared double-blind studies based on weight lost, perceived hunger, and circumference measurements− all of which didn't show a statistical significance. However, to disprove or prove that hCG prevents starvation there must be laboratory investigation studying the hormone hCG and how it may influence the hormonal regulation of starvation when administered in low doses (125 iu) daily, when food is significantly reduced for weeks at a time. This laboratory research is what Dr. Simeons did not do, thus he wrote the quote at the top of this post.

Recently (2009), there has been a defined negative feedback loop between hCG and the hormone that controls energy homeostasis; leptin. Leptin is a fat derived hormone that was discovered in 1994. This very recent discovery between hCG and leptin could very well explain why Dr. Simeons observed the miracles he couldn't fully explain (nor prove) during his very low calorie protocol.

Today, we are the "more fortunately placed" and it's time to fill the scientific gap. We need to put the new hypothesis to the test and hope laboratory evidence proves we’re not all crazy and the hCG protocol isn’t too good to be true.


Thursday, December 8, 2011


Look at all the gadgets, products, and weird diets we’ve wasted our money on because their advertisements said we’d lose weight. So far, how successful has the diet industry been at doing what they say? Has the hundreds of billions of dollars Americans spend every year made us the leanest, slimmest country in the worLd? Not yet. No matter how gimmicky the diet seems, if the website says it works, we’ll buy it. Proclaiming “weight-loss” is a cash cow! Why do we continue to believe their billshi*t? 
It’s amazing how Americans spend the most money on food and have the most gluttonous culture, but yet we spend the most money trying not to eat any of it, and we’re still the fattest society on the planet.
We’re so side-tracked by the diet industry telling us we need to lose weight, that we skip the part where we are individually accountable: excessive eating as the norm. We pay them, temporarily submit to eating less, but only because we want to lose weight. When the weight isn’t lost fast enough, restricting food isn’t worth it any more. Sound familiar?

Let’s get real. The problem is that our culture loves to eat emotionally and excessively as the norm and until we change this, we will continue to have growth in the obesity epidemic (no matter how much money we continue to waste on diets). The diet industry makes billions duping you into believing the only reason to eat less is to lose weight. That’s why weight is the foundation of how they measure success. They give you a temporary system that controls how you eat less and you pay them for it. YOU PAY TO EAT LESS.
This ploy keeps you from changing your personal desires to eat that have nothing to do with body fat and everything to do with emotions and cultural behavior.  This keeps your focus on their diet plan, gives them credit if you do lose weight, and makes you believe your body must have some sort of flaw when you go back to eating with our gluttonous culture and gain back the fat. Thus, you pay more and more and more until you realize their plan sucks.
The diet industry is an enabler, and you are now co-dependent. Why would they want you to eat less without them? If that was the case you wouldn’t have a weight problem and you wouldn’t want to pay or think you needed help. Instead they teach you there are secrets to losing weight. Secrets you need to pay for in order to lose fat, because fat is a mysterious growth. Fat is a plague and you need their secret remedy in order to remove it. BULLSH*T!!!
Here is an easy way to see how messed up this dysfunctional co-dependency with the diet industry is. Let’s say there was something cataclysmic that happens that completely obliterates our access to food.  How would you eat?
In this situation you’d have to ration the food you have for as long as possible. Would you eat when you were bored? Would you eat without hunger? Would you eat until you were full? Would you refuse certain food because it’s “bad” for you? No, no, no and no. Eating without hunger doesn’t make instinctual survival sense. If you were to limit eating to only when you experience true hunger, and only ate when hunger is tolerably removed, wouldn’t you lose weight easily (eating whatever you want)? Why wait for cataclysm? If our entire culture did this as the norm, obesity would be something we rarely see, the diet industry that has failed us so miserable would go away, the pharmaceutical industry would reduce to less than 90%, etc., etc., etc. You get the gist.
Eating emotionally and excessively is a cultural norm and is somehow excusable and accepted. Haven’t you excused yourself from a diet because of some form of stress or social engagement, believing emotional eating is justified and “normal”? Diets will never market solutions for emotional eating because if you stop, you’d never have a fat problem. Also, they wouldn’t make any money because you’d never pay for something you don’t want. Our culture loves eating to gratify emotions, but we detest the physical outcome. Therefore, you temporarily submit to the diet and obsessively monitor fat loss.
Why do diets suck and why are you fat? Because you have never been held accountable to change your desires to eat that have nothing to do with physical hunger.  Either you’ve never recognized that as the problem, or you don’t want to. No matter how much fat you lose with any short-lived diet, until you create a desire to eat less, you might as well accept obesity as the outcome.
In short, the focus on weight by the diet industry is the foundation for why they never work.  Until we stop believing that eating is emotionally rewarding, you’ll always feel deprived by diets and  you’ll always believe that weight-loss is the only reason to eat less. In other words, you should want to eat less whether you lose weight or not.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) just announced there will be penalty for selling “homeopathic” HCG products online and in retail outlets, as oral drops pellets, and sprays. Why? Because of unsupported claims made and marketed by hCG diet businesses. Their biggest problem isn’t the hCG but rather the claims that hCG induces weight loss.  
They believe weight lost is not due to the hCG but because of the very low calorie diet the protocol suggests. In the press release David Vladick, the director of the FTC’s Beureau of Consumer Protection, says, “Deceptive advertising about weight loss products is one of the most prevalent types of fraud.”  It is the scam-like advertising they disapprove of.
Can any of you argue the diet industry has been the biggest fraud? How many of you have spent thousands and thousands of your hard earned money on products that claim you will lose weight, have leaner bodies, and will look like the model selling it, without results? The hCG protocol has become huge business and I can see why there are red flags, especially when hCG businesses are claiming weight loss in excess of 30 pounds in less than 40 days. Seriously, didn’t you think the hCG protocol sounded like a scam when you first heard these types of claims? They sound ridiculous especially when the business implies there is no personal responsibly or need for change to the way you eat regularly. But, once you’ve done the protocol, skepticism turns into converted believer.
What weight-loss business (that has integrity and has your long term health in their best interest) would advertise this way? None. So I don’t blame the FDA and FTC for being so harsh and skeptical. However, the only way to get their attention and to let them know this is a consumer driven product is to switch things up. The hCG protocol industry needs to completely change the way they are selling the product s. We need to change our claims to something the FDA would have to do further research to disprove. And better, let’s claim something that has integrity so they look bad by disproving it.
Here’s the loop-hole: HCG protocol businesses need to abruptly change the way they advertise. Remove all ads that claim weight-loss and instead, claim the hCG protocol will help you learn to eat less. How could anyone argue with this statement? The obvious long term result of weight-loss doesn’t need to be the center of attention. As the consumer, you can blog, discuss, post, and say anything you want about how much weight you’ve lost. Weight-loss as a result of eating less is something the FDA cannot stop the consumer from claiming.
In short:  Businesses advertise eating less. Consumers post their incredible results.
The diet industry is ruthless and there are thousands of books, products, and services that have been making the same superficial claims for decades. In order for the hCG protocol to stand out we need to take a very different approach. Let’s market it in a way that the FDA will have difficulty proving us wrong.
Yes, the hCG protocol helps you eat less. It will change the way you eat so that you never go back to the dysfunctional eating that caused your fat gain in the first place.  Let’s make the protocol a way to change our gluttonous culture. The hCG protocol is an emotional eating rehab. This is a cause and a claim the FDA will want us to continue.
If you want to take control back, we need to act fast.  Post this to every hCG site you can and hope things change quickly. Find out more about the author at

Friday, December 2, 2011


If you sell or prescribe hCG you might want to rethink how you advertise it. The reason the hCG diet will eventually disappear like other "fad" diets is because there is very little emphasis placed on the behavioral change required to maintain weight that was lost. Without this fundamental lesson learned, participants will gain the weight back, just as all ignorant skeptics have predicted.

It's as simple as making sure all participants know that no amount of weight lost will change emotional desires to eat. So until they change their desires to eat emotionally, they might as well accept the fact that their bodies will always have extra fat, no matter how much weight they temporarily lose.

The entire diet industry needs a revolution. This revolution will only happen if we, the hCG protocol industry, make the protocol very different than any other diet. The difference: holding accountable the emotional changes that the participant must make to perminently end the mistreatment of their body with food. Fat is not a cancer, it is a force of creation cause by hormonal imbalance. For the majority, this imbalance is caused and self-inflicted by eating behavior. Until we hold our cultural emotional eating disorder accountable and stop blaming fat as the problem, no diet ever created will work perminently and nothing will heal the diseases caused by over-eating.

If you sell or prescribe hCG, I highly suggest you stand out from the crowd and start advertising something other than 30 pounds lost in 40 days. Now when you look at that advirtiesment, you are no different than the rest of the short-term, quick-fix scams that have come and gone. Don't taint the most incredible hormonal therapy with your lack of integrity. Sell vaccuums instead.